eBook Writing Services at affordable price

Looking for eBook writing services for your content marketing strategy? We help you getting your eBook written and formatting as well. eBook is a great way to generate list (email), and leads. Canny Turtle helps you creating your eBook from starch to finish.

Our eBook writing services cover all industries including health, IT, finance, education, pet, weight loss, make money, affiliate marketing, travel, digital marketing, how to guide. and more.

Benefits of eBook

For any organization, content marketing plays a vital role as it increases the brand loyalty, authority, and brings new customers. By adding eBook to your online marketing strategy can provide qualified leads. By providing informative eBook, you can educate your audience and later convert them as your customer.

You can also add a download button on your webpage or as a popup to build your list. Late you can use that list in email marketing. To rank your eBook (PDF), you can share your eBook in file sharing site and easily drive traffic to your website.

As an organization, you can get the above benefits, which we just mentioned, but the there are other benefits as well.

As an individual, you can:

  • Start your own eBook business (D-commerce)
  • Create PLR eBook store

Added to our eBook process, we also think on other factors like word counts and pages.

The length of an eBook depends on various factors; however, it is most likely between words and pages. Our e-book specialists will be glad to work with you to discuss and determine the appropriate duration based on various factors, including the subject, pain points, data, FAQs, and deep research.

Sometimes we need to go thru blog, case studies, and survey. Our writers collect data from these resources and then make an eBook skeleton.

NPractice we follow

Basically eBook is a long PDF document mainly for business purpose. In addition, to convey right message to your audience, you need eBook that is easy to understand. We follow these rules to provide you easy to understand eBook. We follow:

  • Clear chapters and heading
  • Adding value to each chapter
  • Audience-centric content
  • Small paragraphs
  • Bullet points and number list
  • Active voice
  • Spell check
  • Editing and revise
  • Plagiarism check
  • Peer review
  • Quality check

Do you have a topic to share to your audience thru eBook? Our eBook writing services will help turning your idea to a long-term achievement. Reach out to us and brief us about your idea. We will outline a complete plan from start to finish.

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